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A Valentine's Day Tribute to Earth's Trees
Dear Fellow Earthlings, At first glance there would seem to be little in common between two books -- among the many books -- I have read...
A Triathlon Champion Adds Jingles -- and Looks to Become a Quadrathlon Champion!
Dear Fellow Earthlings, There is a certain Jingles client who has enjoyed a great deal of success as a triathlon athlete. He is now...
Providing for Earth's Health Entails Managing Her Wealth.
Dear Fellow Earthlings, This year has flown by. All I can really say is that -- in 2022 -- I have been giving my all, trying to save...

If you're a friend of Earth, you're also a friend of mine!
(Benji Mackert, Earthsaver) Dear Fellow Earthlings, The American Conservation Coalition (ACC) is an organization dedicated to finding...
"This too shall pass."
Dear Fellow Earthlings, The Jingles are an effective method for helping people sound the way they want to sound. For 25 years Jingles...
Marty McCall's Friends of Opal Creek Efforts Make Her a Friend of Earth
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Some 26 years ago Marty McCall, I, and other member of "Friends of Opal Creek" managed to secure a guarantee for...
Let's not throw in the towel on the Northern Spotted Owl.
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Although today is officially the first blog I have released whose main theme is "SAVING THE NORTHERN SPOTTED...
Jack. of All Languages -- Master of None.
Dear Fellow Earthlings, If a Jingles client is truly serious, kee should aim for a very beautiful England English, American English, or...

Coping with Peach Leaf Curl
Dear Fellow Earthlings, You learn about things on the internet, on TV, in the media: Global warming, the possibility of global war, food...
We CAN Save Earth! -- BUT our options are changing..
Dear Fellow Earthlings, In my previous 543 blog installments, I have been categorizing 13 themes contained within them as follows: The...
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