A Triathlon Champion Adds Jingles -- and Looks to Become a Quadrathlon Champion!
Dear Fellow Earthlings,
There is a certain Jingles client who has enjoyed a great deal of success as a triathlon athlete. He is now turning his attention to adding another "event" : The Jingles!
In adding The Jingles to swimming, running, and cycling, this client will seek to develop his expertise as a "quadrathlon" competitor...
During the past two years this Jingler (Let's call him Hiromichi.), has worked developing his Jingles, approaching
his training with lots of confidence. You see, he is not only a talented athlete, but also an expert in analyzing situations, working with other people, and knowledgeable about a wide variety of topics. (For these reasons, he is enjoying success as a professional consultant.)
His progress has been phenomenal, raising his level of English pronunciation expertise from 86.5 two years ago to
89.4 today. At present he is wondering why he has not reached 90, which is the native speaker level.
Aware that Hiromichi is suddenly feeling frustrated because his progress has not been faster, I recently conducted a
comprehensive assessment of his performance, both as he practices The Jingles -- and as he seeks to speak English in
a nativelike manner.
In his most recent session, I determined that Hiromichi still has fundamental deficiencies with JINGLE B, the most important Jingle in determining whether a client's target dialect of England-based English is English/Falkland, North American, or Australian/New Zealand.
Additionally, certain deficiencies in JINGLE A indicate that Hiromichi has to follow a N/L switching regimen for 4 to 6 weeks in order to eliminate a deficiency in his tongue tip gestures production.
I showed Hiromichi that he should treat The Jingles as an additional part of his physical training, as a fourth aspect of his triathlon training regimen. With his grit and determination, coupled with his innate physical attributes, Hiromichi will become a world class quadrathlete -- and his regular mode English level will achieve parity with the levels of native speakers of English.
Steve Walker
Earthsaver and Jingles Creator
© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.