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For the advanced Jingles client: No longer difficult sounds -- but difficult, personal choices!
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Life is full of constraints -- but it is also full of choices. For example, most of my Jingles clients seek out...

Polar Bears, Penguins, People: All could perish unless we people change our ways!
Dear Fellow Earthlings, When the COVID-19 pandemic was at its peak in the United States last summer, everybody in that country talked...

Steve Walker: Born to Teach!
Here we see future teacher Steve Walker back in 1966. He was a member of "FTA" ("Future Teachers of America"). Dear Fellow Earthlings, ....
Dear Fellow Earthlings, (This is the second part of a two-part blog. The first part (Installment 529) was released yesterday.) "Summit...
Jingles Clients Developing at Improved Rates during 2020/2021 COVID-19 Pandemic
Dear Fellow Earthlings, (This is the first part of a two-part blog. The second part (Installment 530) will be released tomorrow.) It is...

Both Mothers' Day and Earth Day Sould be Observed EVERY Day.
"Here we see my mother Ann Louise Walker holding me Steve Walker in June 1949, both of us supported by our mother: Earth." Dear Fellow...
Serious Jinglers Dealing With Layers of Diglossia Can Sail Smoothly
Dear Fellow Earthlings, A little over 100 of my Jingles clients are currently living and working in the state of New Jersey in the United...
Since losing it all must be avoided, SOME risk taking is necessary in our green investment efforts.
Dear Fellow Earthlings, As I mentioned in Installment 258, “Money’s a matter of functioning five ― A Medium, a Measure, a Standard, a...
Money must be used as a vector to keep Earth alive.
Dear Fellow Earthlings, In the 1967 movie “The Graduate” the young hero, Benjamin Braddock, just out of college, is told by this elders...
A green worldwide economy is assuming structure.
Dear Fellow Earthlings, On December 14th and 15th of 2015, I released installments 256 and 257 of my blog, respectively. For a long time...
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