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Let's not throw in the towel on the Northern Spotted Owl.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Although today is officially the first blog I have released whose main theme is "SAVING THE NORTHERN

SPOTTED OWL", actually I have focused on the plight of this bird at length in installments 521, 536, and 544.

In English, the expression "throw in the towel" refers to abandoning one's efforts to see something through to

a successful conclusion. While the future does seem rather hopeless for the northern spotted owl, I am nevertheless

determined to do something to help ensure the chances for this bird's survival. I am not going to throw in the towel.

There is a certain man who may be able to help me to design a habitat for northern spotted owls, one with well-

thought out protective features that can help a number of these birds flourish on the limited acreage of Reltonia.

This arrangement would allow for me to monitor these creatures and to provide for a much higher population density

for them -- within the limited confines of my land -- than is possible "in the wild".

It is only a dream, but I need such dreams if I am to keep going in my endeavors to save Earth. For me, my own life

cannot go on if I have no dreams. Therefore, for selfish reasons, I will persevere in my efforts to save the Northern

Spotted Owl.

Even as I deal with many other issues (some personal, some of a worldwide scale, others falling somewhere in

between...), I will give priority to saving the Northern Spotted Owl.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.



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