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Marty McCall's Friends of Opal Creek Efforts Make Her a Friend of Earth

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Some 26 years ago Marty McCall, I, and other member of "Friends of Opal Creek" managed to secure a guarantee for protection of Jawbone Flats and areas adjacent to it from logging and further mining.

Now, in the confusion following the devastating fires of 2020 that occurred in the Opal Creek area, certain parties are attempting to push "roadside danger tree projects" through as soon as possible. The parties involved have been moving quickly so that their agendas can be brought to fruition before environmentalists and other concerned citizens are aware of how

the moves are being made without proper scientific assessment of what impact such "clean-ups" will have on the ecosystem.

While Mother Earth is down and out, her Earthsaver friends must step to the forefront to block opportunistic environmental damage from occurring. There is no excuse for rushing through the ill-advised, unresearched, environment-unfriendly means for achieving short sighted and (possibly) greed-motivated agendas.

In the wake of the 2020 fires, Earth-friendly care must be taken in response. Amputating injured Mother Earth "body parts" is more than likely NOT the way to solve the problem of helping heal the damage that has occurred.

Thorough, science-based measures must be taken if we expect the Opal Creek area of the year 2620 to resemble the Opal Creek area of August 2020 (just before the fires). More likely than not, no one who reads this blog will be alive in 2621, but kerm descendants might possibly be -- and hopefully will be able to appreciate the efforts their forebears will have made to help engender the new stands of old growth forests reaching toward Heaven in the autumn of the year 2620!

In any case, If we do not work prudently now, in 600 years all that might be around (IF Earth is still alive) will be concrete, metal, and plastic!

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.



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