Steve’s and Irv’s Respective Pads

Dear Fellow Earthlings,
For more than 20 years I’ve had two “pads” (A pad is a place where one can cuddle up with kerm cuddle mates -- and enjoy privacy, security, and love.).
One pad is Dulcinea, my home in Japan. The other is Summit House, my home in the United States. But now my land Reltonia has a “Pad” for an additional person. This is because financial considerations have driven me to allow a nice person named Irv to move his motorhome, boat, and vehicle onto Reltonia — and to lease the second floor of my two-story house (Summit House) for a three-year period.
Irv has a dog. a nine-year-old, shaggy Yorkie Shih Tzu Mix named Candy — whom he loves very deeply. Since dogs are not allowed inside Summit House, Irv currently stays inside his motorhome with her. This is a temporary situation. Only today did we complete a “southern perimeter fence section” addition on the west side of Summit House. This new stretch of fencing extends the fence that I’ve always had to the west of the house. The enclosed area will be the family yard, the American dream backyard for Irv and his family that at present comprises Irv and Candy…
But it seems that Irv will soon be getting married – so there will be a family of two humans and one dog occupying their pad on Reltonia.
As for me, I will continue to occupy the lower floor of Summit House. Irv will help maintain it and protect it whenever I am away from Reltonia. He and I are getting along handsomely.
What could be more fitting for two handsome men!
Steve Walker
Earthsaver and Jingles Creator
© 2025 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises