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The JINGLES' Success as a Training System Calls for the Setting of Loftier Goals!

This is Part 2 of this blog. Part 1 (Installment 555) was released yesterday.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

The Jingles will continue to be based on traditional human languages/dialects... So, as we move towards our goals, we must support native speakers caught in the midsts of linguistic crises even as we help non-natives hoping to gain nativelike expertise in the spirit of "first doing no harm" to the standards of the native speaker's concept of just what kerm dialect's or language's norms constitute.

Just as the Seneca can no longer speak Seneca -- and just as Falklanders and Tibetans are being pressured to globalize -- or even eliminate their languages, Jinglers (who seek to sound like native speakers) actually find it incumbent upon themselves to "protect" the very TL language(s)/dialect(s) they are trying to master.

As the "views" from the 89.5 and 90.0 levels are no longer enough -- blocked as they are by the pollution of information overload, excessive migration, and cultural collapses -- we must now absolutely head in the direction of the heavens as we seek to preserve our linguistic heritages! Therefore, from now on, TRAINING MODE targets for any given set of Jingles is defined as 90.50 -- and regular mode targets for any target language gesture require aminimum competency level of between 90.1 and 90.3, with "prepared presentation" levels of between 90.3 and 90.7. (Any regular mode scores of above 90.7 might be thought of, artistically, with favor, but should not be set as goals in and of themselves.)

Just as humanity is now reaching for the stars, the languages we take to the cosmos with us will last only as long as "jingles" (designed specifically for these languages) can sustain them.

People speaking a language is what maintains the language. Otherwise, that language will fall into pieces. If you don't learn it, the language will disintegrate. The native words disappear and the language becomes weak. The words of a language are the primary structure of a language. If the words are dropped, that language will begin to disappear -- no matter how much we try to preserve its structures....

And these are not the musings of an April fool...

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.



© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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