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The JINGLES' Success as a Training System Calls for the Setting of Loftier Goals!

This is Part 1 of this blog. Part 2 (Installment 556) will be released tomorrow.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Let me take you back to April 1, 2005 -- 18 years ago! On that date I released "The Jingles Newsletter Number 4". That newsletter now constitutes Worksheet 242-1 of The Jingles training manual.

The "journey" described in Newsletter 4 (NL4) explains how the Jingles client makes kerm way along the Jingles Road.

At the time NL4 was written, the description of the client's forthcoming journey was sufficient to the task of preparing the client for dealing with what kee would experience as kee moved toward kerm pronunciation and listening comprehension goals....

Now, in April of 2023, you my clients are urged to go to the Jingles home page and press the keyword Newsletter 4 so that you can read Worksheet 242-1. For the past 18 years NL4 has served as a guide for Jingles clients...

Now, however, in a world much different from 2005, major changes are needed to make Jingles clients' various journeys along various " Jingles Roads' " less forbidding -- and more attainable. From the very outset I and my staff have been committed to helping each client get off to a good start as kee moves toward kerm goals, kerm dreams.

But, unlike 18 years ago, your instructors will be preparing to help you deal with the consequences of moving through "contested areas", where native languages are dropping like flies -- and where standard languages are either besieged by directives coming from the internet to change words and/or wordings to those more in line with those employed by those who would seek to force these changes upon the masses... OR having to deal with the questioning of the very standards and definitions of what constitutes human language.

Natural language is being overwhelmed by the digital revolution, globalization, and other forces that pay little if any credence to traditional languages and their cultural aspects.

The Jingles Road is now traversing surrounding different from before -- and therefore the roadbed is going to have to be changed... -- and the road materials, too, have to be altered in the face of climate/topography/ethnic/philosophical changes...

Forces pushing on the Jingler as kee makes kerm journey forward are more challenging than ever before, due to quandries that arise when internet-, online-, bandwagon-based concepts of what constitutes a language call everything that people had heretofore believed in into question.

Jingles clients find themselves bombarded with ideas -- and algorithms... Likewise, social pressures, and internet information blitzes confound them and stifle them in their efforts to stay "on course" When non-natives outnumber and overwhelm the natives, any given language or dialect is hard pressed to maintain its viability as a force for cultural, economic, environmental maintenance and growth....

(continued tomorrow, in Installlment 556)

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.



© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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