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Let us all work in harmony in order to avoid harming anything further!
Dear Fellow Earthlings, The blending and mixing of cultures, living things, philosophies, and languages is taking place rapidly. The...

Local Flavor Warms the Heart!
Dear Fellow Earthlings, This morning I was unable to prepare my usual cup of coffee, for I had to be out the door at 5:00 a.m. in order...
On Valentine's Day: Love Goes a Long Way -- Even Regarding Jingles Training!
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Happy Valentine's Day. I do realize that February 14th is not necessarily celebrated by all peoples and all...
Earth for All -- All for Earth
Dear Fellow Earthlings, If the concept of what constitutes a nation is to continue in light of the limitations that must be imposed on...
The Art, Utility, and Tranquility of The JINGLES
Dear Fellow Earthlings, As another year closes out, I wish to share with all of you the peace that is The JINGLES. The Art within The...
Baseball for the 21st Century: How to Relieve Baseball of Excessive Relief Pitching
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Today I must ask for most of you to indulge me a bit: I realize that most people in this world are not so...
2050 is too late! Recognize this! React to this!. Remedy Earth's dilemma!
Installment 537 November 15, 2021 Dear Fellow Earthlings, COP26 (The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference) has to be a turning...

The "Three Rs" for Earthsaving
Dear Fellow Earthlings, "Reading, Writing, "Rithmetic" ("arithmetic" pronounced using poetic license) was a very common expression during...

Four Sports Heroes Steve Walker Has Actually Met
The Earthsaver and The Destroyer become friends, in August 2011. Dear Fellow Earthlings, I have been an enthusiastic sports fan for many...

To save Earth, new technologies must be supported with moral resolve.
This is one of many beautiful slugs living under a huge moisture-trapping tarpaulin that I have placed near Reltonia’s northeast border....
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