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2050 is too late! Recognize this! React to this!. Remedy Earth's dilemma!

Installment 537

November 15, 2021

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

COP26 (The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference) has to be a turning point! If the people of Earth do not change their strategies, behaviors -- and if we do not change our attitudes drastically -- then Earth as we know it will be lost: The ecosystem's average temperature will go above the critical 1.5 degrees Celsius rise that signals major disruption to human activity. And it will not stop there. Earth's average temperature could, within the short span of 50 or 60 years, climb by as much as 5 or 6 degrees. This would make life on Earth impossible.

Now all but the most unschooled naysayers are admitting that the entire fabric of human existence is rapidly collapsing -- not merely unravelling. Here is where the 3 Rs for Earthsaving (See the previous blog, Installment 536.) come into play.

I am happy to announce that the highest echelons of government in both China and the United States (nations who lead the world in the amount of climate change inducing activities pursued by their peoples) are RECOGNIZING that it is their (and, indeed all nations') RESPONSIBILITY to act. Many people say that it infringes upon people's basic rights to force them to change their behaviors. But, when all is said and done, sacrifice must take place for the common good.

Just as many people refuse to receive COVID-19 vaccinations because of "personal rights" issues, so too do certain people refuse to make the necessary changes in their behaviors that would lead to an end to our spiral into the abyss of unchecked climate change. By RECOGNIZING that it is our behaviors that are pushing us to the brink, we can then turn aside philosophical, religious, and cultural differences and all work together to REACT to the call.

And REACTING takes only a moment! But that moment turns us from EARTH-ABUSERS to EARTHSAVERS!

Then come the remedies: Money becomes the 5th vector for solving Earth's problems (See Installments 524 through 525.). Instead of fighting over who will get the last rations on the sinking ship -- even as the hole in the ship's hull widens as we argue, threaten, and tussle with each other -- we instead take actions to save our ship!

Money can be used to placate people long enough to modify their behaviors. Changing attitudes, however, takes time -- and time is no longer a luxury we can afford to waste!

So we must pay people to change their behaviors: Pay them to mitigate their bitterness about past wrongs their ancestors suffered at the hands of other humans; pay them to turn in their guns, their nuclear weapons, their chainsaws; pay them to stop defending borders -- and to stop assigning new borders; pay them to stop denying the existence of groups of peoples whom they have heretofore been intent on eliminating from the face of our common MOTHER, our Earth!

There is no such thing as a free economic good -- and that includes human behaviors and attitudes. Once enough behaviors and attitudes have been dealt with (even on a temporary basis), then the majority of Earthlings can move forward together, united 9.5 billion strong, to save Earth.

Activists want action!!! COP-26 -- again has to be the turning point! If we can start REMEDYING the situation now, then COP-27 would become a celebration!

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.



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