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Let us all work in harmony in order to avoid harming anything further!

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

The blending and mixing of cultures, living things, philosophies, and languages is taking place rapidly.

The results of this rapid change in the content of Earth's ecosystem are fraught with stresses, for change

does not occur without loss:

1. Formerly "stable" conditions destabilize.

2. New concepts/entities appear.

3. Conflict erupts between "change" and "non-change".

Cultures once isolated and revered are looked at with scorn by geographical outsiders who are exposed to concepts different from their own -- and from "chronological outsiders" (people born in the last 30 years, who have grown up in the midst of the proliferation of the information (both true and fake) that they must sort out...

From the tiniest living things (viruses and bacteria) to the largest (whales and sequoias), Earth's life forms are suffering from changes in Earth's climate and in the vectors that spread life forms into new geographical areas.

Everything seems to be imploding, exploding, collapsing, changing, causing change, creating new instability...

Amidst the chaos, The Jingles offer a standard, a reference point:

One of my clients asked me, if "allophonome" is a word you Mr. Walker created, why is it you should be so strict

regarding its 3 pitch changes?

To this, the answer is obvious:

I do so because the word was coined to describe a concept never before thought of. Since the language used to describe that concept is English, then any native speaker of England-based English will find the word no more difficult to pronounce than "serendipity" or "antidisestablishmentarianism". For native speakers, the phonological rules governing how pitch change is produced 3 times in the newly coined word "allophonome" show no anomalies, pose no difficulties.

Just as William Shatner feels that we need to focus on Earth, not on outer space, I Steve Walker am of the mindset that we need to learn to adjust our new concepts within the boundaries of ideas, philosophies, customs, traditions -- that have brought us where we are -- and not to delude ourselves into thinking that divesting ourselves completely of the historical roots that have brought us to where we are now is going to change us.

On this Earth Day, I say, Let's all save Earth's life, save Earth's lives! Enough of meaningless travels and endless travails!

Let us all work in harmony in order to avoid harming anything further!

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.



© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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