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The Art, Utility, and Tranquility of The JINGLES

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

As another year closes out, I wish to share with all of you the peace that is The JINGLES.

The Art within The JINGLES lies in the expression of sound patterns arranged in such a way that they capture the imagination, challenge one's capacity to analyze and develop, -- and provide Jingles instructors and clients alike with pleasure.

Just as there is no way to describe the beauty of a tree, neither can one fully describe why The JINGLES please so many in so many ways.

To provide but one example of an artistic Jingle, I cite the Jingle known as Day 61:

Day 61: Laura and Rosalie can't distinguish between molality and molarity, but do show morality!

My own artistic take on "Day 61" ? Part of the human condition is our limited ability to conceptualize various truths of the universe. Despite our inability to fully understand the limitless concepts that are part of the cosmos, many of the more noble among us exercise our own free wills to make attempts to distinguish right from wrong...

What are YOUR interpretations?

As for a Jingle that demonstrates utility, here is one that I use as I pursue my own day to day life:

Day 238: I cannot tell you how to can fruit, but you should do all you can to can what you can -- and can what you can't , even if some off your kin think they can do better.

It is my general policy to make suggestions either to myself or to others on how to conduct our daily lives. We need to recognize our potentials and move toward fulfilling them. On the other hand, when despite our earnest efforts, we fail to make headway, it may be time to consider moving on to defining goals that are more feasible to attain.

How do YOU deal with long-sought goals that you are unable to achieve?

A Jingle that provides me with a substantial degree of tranquility is:

Day 74: A hawk is more eagle than seagull -- and an eagle more regal than a hawk

Why does this particular Jingle soothe me so?? The fact that the word "seagull" does not rhyme with "regal" is what gets me started: Seagulls will eagerly feast on human phlegm spat out onto a concrete or asphalt surface -- and to me that is far from regal. On the other hand, the demeanor of both eagles and hawks is one of pride, with heads held high. But, as often happens (although not always!), size does matter. Thus the large eagle's demeanor gives it the edge over a hawk's assuming a similar "regal pose".

How do you, my fellow Earthlings, achieve YOUR levels of tranquility?

May the year 2022 provide all of us with the means to appreciate the artistic splendor of Earth and her children, the opportunity to develop various skills that we will be able to utilize (that is, turn into skills that demonstrate our utility levels), and the tranquility that will occur through all of us living in harmony with one another.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.



© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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