Both Mothers' Day and Earth Day Sould be Observed EVERY Day.

"Here we see my mother Ann Louise Walker holding me Steve Walker in June 1949, both of us supported by our mother: Earth."
Dear Fellow Earthlings,
Many people are talking about "getting back to normal " as signs that the COVID-19 pandemic is -- or so it seems... winding down.
Getting back to normal means going back to our old ways, correct?
Does this mean continuing to increase the number of pollutants we release into the atmosphere?
Does it mean continuing to insist that one's own "type of people" are to receive special treatment, despite the fact that such treatment does not contribute to the overall good of other "types of people"?
Does it mean that we can deny present facts and conjure up lies about a history that never was to further our individual plans?
Can we now feel free to go anywhere we want just because we can even though such "visits" are actually more destructive to Earth and her life forms than just enjoying Earth's "charms" vicariously does?
Can people who run the "nations of destiny" ever get it into their heads that they are not special and that their "centers of Earth", do not have the right to intimidate other nations/tribes/geopolitical entities/"purported internal regions just because their "nations of destiny" have amassed the masses or the massive infrastructure or propaganda machinery or debtor entities on a massive scale to the point that these "master nations" will control Earth, the Moon, Mars, the Sun, and the universe itself?
In the grand scheme of things, those who would claim to be Godlike are surely deluding themselves.
What a pity that on this Earth Day I cannot come up with any tidings of a positive nature!
The universe will probably go on for a long time, perhaps indefinitely! No matter how many drones, computerized weapons, secret codes, or other forms of power broking entities are devised by humans and the so-called AI entities stemming from them, none will have the beauty of mothers in general -- or of Mother Earth in particular.
Come now, my fellow humans! Put down your weapons. Stop clenching your fist. Stop using your religious beliefs as excuses, Acknowledge that our pollution is destroying not only our fellow living creatures but also ourselves.
Steve Walker
Earthsaver and Jingles Creator
© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.