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To save Earth, new technologies must be supported with moral resolve.

This is one of many beautiful slugs living under a huge moisture-trapping tarpaulin that I have placed near Reltonia’s northeast border. For a change, plastic is FOSTERING nature!

I don’t know the name of this flower but by any name, its beauty makes Earth all the more beautiful!

Since these beautiful peaches were never refrigerated, I was obliged to enjoy them all within a three-day period, lest they should spoil.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Cooperation among us all is necessary if we wish to save Earth. We must resolve our differences to a degree that will allow us to work together towards the singular goal of maintaining Earth as a place where all cultures, all philosophies, all life styles, and all life forms can share in the joy of what had -- until recently -- been a very habitable planet.

Instead of spending time developing new weapons against one another, we humans must develop tools, devices, technologies, algorithms that allow us to live in harmony with each other -- and with all of the other living creatures of Earth.

At school, instead of lamenting the past transgressions that humans have been involved in, we need to make sure that all of our students are trained to be not only technologically capable to deal with the realities that face us, but to create an Earth that has never existed: a home where her inhabitants live life to the fullest -- but within parameters that foster well-being, consideration, safety, happiness, and hope for all...

"Smart media" can be developed that will allow the people using them to experience the languages and cultures they want, receive the images that please them most, learn things that engender a general peace on a worldwide basis, and gain new spiritual and philosophical insights into the experience of life.

Our judgments against people who we feel are "excessively different" from us need not be addressed. Rather, we must always seek to contribute to a fabric of life that exudes the variety so essential to ensure that life goes on.

Our individual homes and families can provide security and meaning for our lives -- while stepping outside of those homes can provide us with a sense of "traveling in place" as we deal with people who are also stepping outside of their own homes. The result will be the delight of sharing the variety of life forms/life styles that constitute a healthy ecosystem, healthy communities, and a healthy Earth.

Pleasant ways of speaking, of addressing how all life must deal with the concept of scarcity by developing the capacity to provide the essentials for all of us, are the key to all of this. Weapons will not do it; religious intolerance will not do it; fear of others will not do it; mistrust will not do it!

It is going to take a technologically-supported team effort to help us deal with dwindling populations for some organisms, swelling populations for others; for weather that is no longer just weather variation but rather climate change; and for the concepts of killing and war to be replaced by the concept of ecosystem protection and peace among all life forms.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.



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