Polar Bears, Penguins, People: All could perish unless we people change our ways!
Dear Fellow Earthlings,
When the COVID-19 pandemic was at its peak in the United States last summer, everybody in that country talked about "the new normal". So many of the things Americans had done prior to the pandemic were out the window. Major league sports were being played in empty stadiums and arenas; people were now eating at home much more often than eating out, and overseas travel was a thing of the past.
But now that a majority of American adults have been vaccinated against COVID-19, large numbers of them are back on the highways, in the air, and on cruise ships at sea. The old polluting ways are being revived. It is obvious that no "little old coronavirus" is going to stop Americans -- or other people from other countries from doing what they want to do, despite the growing evidence that we are destroying our source of life. Yes, WE are destroying Mother Earth.
Today, as I write this blog in my home west of Monmouth, Oregon the temperature outside is the hottest it has ever been in Oregon's history: 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit). My home air conditioner could not bring the temperature down to the 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit) that I desired.
I awoke at 3:00 a.m. and worked outside, using a headlamp, before the sun rose. That was the only way I could work outside. Suddenly I am worried about not only all the living things on my land -- I am now concerned about my own well being. Every couple hours I would climb into my bathtub and soak in the cold water in an effort to keep my body temperature from rising.
For the past few years I have been worrying about the polar bears being heated to death in the Arctic -- and the penguins meeting the same fate in the Antarctic. But now I am worried about the situation for the oaks, the firs, the newts, the mountain lions, the acorn woodpeckers -- and for me Steve Walker!
Global warming is showing its effects in other places as well. In Florida a large building collapsed yesterday, causing the deaths of numerous people. It seems quite likely that rising sea levels played a great part in this tragedy -- and of course those levels are the reult of human-caused global warming.
What is coming next? I shudder to think about it!
Steve Walker
Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

Now I really know how the overheated penguins on the continent of Antarctica feel! Every two or three hours today I would soak in cold water in my tub...

The temperature on Reltonia at 11:00a.m. on June 28th, 2021.

Yesterday's Florida disaster: "The wise person builds kerm house not upon the sand, but upon solid ground...."
However, even solid ground does not do well when sea levels rise and turn solid into plasma...
© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.