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Let's try putting exotic genies back inside their bottles!
(This is the second installment of a two-part blog. The first installment was released yesterday.) Dear Fellow Earthlings, In yesterday's...
Steve Walker always tries to exercise caution when using Earth's resources.
(This is the first installment of a two-part blog.) Dear Fellow Earthlings, How do you protect nature? Let me sum up what I...
Once borders are recognized, they should be honored.
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Today it seems the protesters who have established a settlement near that portion of the Missouri River that...

Let's leave places we visit in better condition than we found them.
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Even until the last year of his life Tom McCall (See yesterday's installment.) continued to remind all who...

Former Oregon Governor Tom McCall, Earthsaver!
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Tom McCall served as governor of the United States state of Oregon between 1967 and 1975. During that time, he...
To every thing, there is a season.
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Back on October 30, 2016, in blog installment 334, I described the two types of bugs that had invaded my house in...

Oregon's Red-Legged Frogs: Not Always Red-Legged
Dear Fellow Earthlings, On my land in Oregon there are four ponds. Today I went down to "West Pond", which is the smallest of the four. I...
America's border treaties include those made with her indigenous peoples.
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Humans continue to bleed Earth. Specifically, a company called "Dakota Access" seeks to remove crude oil from...
Seven Sayings for Reducing Interpersonal Conflict
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Do not be misled, my fellow humans! Old adages are not old fashioned. They are as vital now as they were when...
Controlled change will allow you to have your cake and eat it, too.
(This is Part 2 of the two-part blog installment that began yesterday with "Part 1".) Dear Fellow Earthlings, Once Japanese people gain...
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