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Hopefully, in the near future, the main source of CO2 will be our sighs of relief!
(This is the second installment of a 2-part blog. The first installment was released yesterday.) Dear Fellow Earthlings, I don't know...
To breathe easily, we need clean air.
(This is the first installment of a 2-part blog. The second installment will be released tomorrow.) Dear Fellow Earthlings, If we...
As 2017 approaches, let us keep what is good, changing only what is not good!
Dear Fellow Earthlings, nyawEh skaenO'! ("I am thankful you are well!") The snows are deep in Seneca country in this season. From the...
In both learning and teaching a language, the goal should be nativelike competency, not just partial
(This is the second installment of a 2-part blog. The first installment was released yesterday.) Dear Fellow Earthlings, Quite often I...
Just being able to "get by" with another language is not enough!
Dear Fellow Earthlings, If you don't use it, you lose it! Today's topic is about saving languages. Using a language is part and parcel...

Mourning the Passing of an Innocent, Part Two
(This is the second installment of a 2-part blog. The first installment was released yesterday.) Dear Fellow Earthlings, My mourning...

Mourning the Passing of an Innocent, Part One
Dear Fellow Earthlings, The main reason why I have invested so much time. money, and effort in Reltonia is the rough-skinned newt. When...

The Second Half of Some Earthsaver Musings to Consider
(This is the second installment of a 2-part blog. The first installment was released yesterday.) Dear Fellow Earthlings, Here are 16...
The First Half of Some Earthsaver Musings to Consider
(This is the first installment of a 2-part blog. The second installment will be released tomorrow.) Dear Fellow Earthlings, Today's...

Balance, moderation in all things can help save Earth.
Dear Fellow Earthlings, If only my Earthsaving quest were as highly developed as my Jingles quest! You see, just as the deep work I...
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