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Let's try putting exotic genies back inside their bottles!

(This is the second installment of a two-part blog. The first installment was released yesterday.)

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

In yesterday's installment I told you of what efforts I have been making as I seek to protect nature. How do you protect nature? We must approach the challenge on many fronts. A good place to start might be to put the "exotics" back into their original places. In all likelihood we will never be able to put all of the genies back into their original bottles, but we should at least try. Any progress, no matter how small, is better than further infestation, you see.

Exotic species are but one facet of trying to help put our natural environment back on an even keel. Exotic languages, exotic customs, exotic attitudes about so many things are all cropping up everywhere. The simple life of living in a single culture is running up against cultures that yield, fade, and (sadly) disappear in the face of so-called dominant cultures that push, expand, and (sadly) destroy both other cultures and damage their own propriety as well. This all occurs as a consequence of their placing force over faith -- and "progress" (as they see it) over the purity of heart needed for peaceful coexistence. The rules of thumb for these dominant

(domineering?) cultures are:

1) confiscations over compassion,


2) trucelessness (my coinage) over truthfulness. We need the Tom McCalls, the Leonardo DiCaprios, the Berta Cáceres, the Al Gores to move us along. So too do we need the people who raise their children up to love their neighbors. So too , also, do we need the person who picks up a piece of trash and puzzles how best to recycle or otherwise deal with it. Likewise, do we need the researchers who seek means to preserve species -- and to preserve the sanctity of seeking not monetary wealth but environmental health.

Please heed my words, for they are tools I have placed beforef you all so that you might take them into your possession and move with them in ways that will make all of you more than just Earthlings. You can become Earthsavers. Long Live your countries! Long Live your religious beliefs! But most of all, Long Live the efforts of those committed, those have lost their lives in their struggle to right the many wrongs that confront us, and those who will (hopefully) soon join the ranks of Earthlings committed to saving Earth! Let the fishes replenish the seas with their numbers as we shut down the sounds of sonar our devices send forth as they seek out "the enemies of the state" that ply the deep. Let the cats who are exotic be removed to the lands where they originally appeared. Let lands ravaged bygreed and war be rebuilt and populated by Earthlings who know there is safety not in numbers but in reasonable numbers of us

per square kilometer. Let the exotic plants be beaten back to zero -- knowing that in the places where

they originally appeared, they are not exotic. Let the peoples of the various nations/semi-nations/islands/peninsulas/"reservations"/enclaves gain an appreciation for whatever vestiges of nature and original cultural elements still remain with them so that their lives can be made whole through balance with their common origins.

Let the big creatures no longer fear being big, so that they may again thrill us with their majesty in the seas and on the land -- and not in sitting rooms, or as keys on pianos, or as unsightly trophies on walls. Heed these words, all of you, my fellow Earthlings, that all of us can live the Terrestrial Dream! Matters of Heaven, I leave with my religion -- but, regarding Earthly matters, I ask both of myself of you my fellows:

Let us save our dear Earth! This two-part installment is a call to action for all of us!

Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

Berta Cáceres, protector of Honduras indigenous people and an environmentalist campaigner was an Earthsaver second to none!

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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