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The First Half of Some Earthsaver Musings to Consider

(This is the first installment of a 2-part blog. The second installment will be released tomorrow.)

Dear Fellow Earthlings, Today's installment is the first of two installments listing of various ideas, suggestions, and

observations I have as I ask for your help in saving Earth. Anytime you would like to share your

thoughts on these ideas or have any modifications or alternatives to them, feel free to contact

me at Steve Walker c/o The Jingles 2-3 Toyooka-cho, Fuga-3 Building, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama,

Japan 230-0062. 1.Try asking those who sell you items if they would be willing to recycle all of the packaging which the object you have purchased came in. 2. Every day pick up 8 pieces of litter you see in public places and dispose of that litter properly. 3. To save energy, do your best to shut off the water whenever you can while showering, brushing your teeth, shaving, and so on. 4. Always keep in mind that flowers, dogs, cats, birds, -- and people -- come in many beautiful colors. 5. Work at least one math problem a week, always seeking to make it more involved than the problem you tackled the week before. 6. Reward yourself with sweets three times a week. 7. Avoid eating after 6:30 p.m. so that your body can gain the benefits of fasting until breakfast the next morning. 8. Two days per week -- but not consecutively -- do not use your cell phone or go on line. (except for emergencies).

9. Each day for the rest of your life, be nice to as many people as you can. 10. Twice a week teach somebody something useful or pleasant -- but do it by example, not be edict or by lecturing. 11. Work on mnemonic devices for spelling words correctly. For example ex-APPLe ate -->

exaGGeRate --. exaggerate! 12. Have a brisk 30-minute walk/jog four times a week -- and a 45-minute walk/jog twice a week. 13. Do what you can, can what you can't -- and forget the rest! 14. It's nice to be important -- but it's more important to be nice! 15. Whenever possible, walk with 2 or 3 other people -- and always pay attention to possible dangers coming from any and all directions. 16. If you are having trouble sleeping, just imagine you are in a country you detest , but have the

authority and wherewithal to make it a paradise on Earth. After that, go to another country and try

the same thing -- and before you know it, you'll be fast asleep! This blog continues tomorrow with a second installment. Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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