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Humans should neither inflict hurt upon -- nor acquiesce to receive it from -- one another.

Dear Fellow Earthlings:

Our attitudes are so important. The way we feel aboutsomeone, something, some custom, some object, some suggestion is reflected in what we do about that feeling. If you happen to be a nice person, then you will be make it a point not to let any negative feeling carry over into hurtful actions or words that will cause the "someone" mentioned just above to respond negatively. The situation could escalate and one or more people could get hurt.

Instead of responding with violence or passive acceptance to insults from an abusive person, you should either try to talk things through with the person or -- if that does not work -- move out of kerm territory. That person needs to be made aware that kerm behavior will not be condoned.

All of my readers are advised to always be careful about criticizing any of the "some" entities mentioned in line one of this blog. If someone insults your appearance (especially in front of others), it is best just to leave. Let kerm continue kerm antisocial ways by spouting them out to somebody else. Kee will soon realize the error of kerm ways!

If you don't like the way a person you must see on a regular basis is always fidgeting, for example, you must not criticize that person. There are reasons for kerm fidgeting. Perhaps you can discover the reason by talking at length with kerm about what kee does in kerm free time... Sooner or later you will begin to come up with one or more reasons for that person's fidgeting. You should not merely say:

"I wish you'd stop fidgeting all the time! That drives people crazy!"

Just think how YOU would feel if someone criticized one of your quirks!

Our attitudes are shaped by our upbringing and all of our experiences in life, tempered by feelings of right and wrong -- whose latent potentials come with the total package when we are conceived. As rational beings we have to take responsibility for responding to what we encounter in our everyday lives, whether it be in controlling our impulses to strike out in a hurtful manner, whether to do battle when the situation calls for it, or whether to walk away from the trouble for the sake of buying time to find a peaceful resolution to the problem if it shows its ugly face again at some future time.

Part of learning to live and let live is to protect yourself without harming kee who would seek to hurt you.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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