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If you can't escape the tsunami, at least try to be on top of it!

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

   Currently I am beset by financial woes. I do not wish to explain why I am experiencing them, but let me tell you, they do cramp my lifestyle!

   In order to deal with the tsunami of woes that is besetting me, I am (among other things that I choose not to mention here):

   a. trying to sell off 3 acres of Reltonia's 53 acres;

   b. trying to refinance my current mortgage;

   c. selling some timber.

   In order to sell off the 3 acres, I have had to appeal to Polk County officials here in Oregon, and have had to deal with making sure the 3 acres has water, sewage, electricity, house construction approval, and street access. Believe me! This is no easy task!

   As far as refinancing, I have to first of all have a new, two-story high deck put onto Summit House before I can hope to refinance. The catch is that I do not have the funds to do that. I must first sell the 3 acres so that some of the funds derived from that can be used to construct the new deck.

    Regarding the selling of timber, it just so happens that removing some 5 or 6 acres of Douglas fir will allow for me to apply for funding to foster the creation of an Oregon oak-based forest after the Douglas firs have been removed. At present the State of Oregon is asking private land holders to help restore Oregon oak woodlands...

   This is but a summary of why I am so busy these days. But if I don't stay on top of things, the tsunami of challenges coming at me will overwhelm the whole of Reltonia.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2024 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises



© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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