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How Can Tom the Young African Elephant's Paternal Potential be Developed and Fostered???
Handsome Adolescent Tom: But He Needs Tusks for Sex Appeal -- Or His Only Chance for Fatherhood will be Artificial Insemination! The zoo...

Not Hindsight, Not Foresight, but In "2020" Sight!!
Earthsaver 2019 (Greta) and Earthsaver 1 (Steve) together have 2020 foresight! Dear Fellow Earthlings, The greatest shortcoming I have as...

Stanley 16, Reltonia 132 (Low Score Wins)
Pristine? Hardly! The AQI of 132 for Monmouth, Oregon is at an unhealthful level! Low water levels in the ponds, high levels of...

A week has passed since my last blog -- and both "Mr. M" and I are making good progress to
(Picture 1) In the spirit of keeping Oregon clean, I gathered boxload after boxload of trash from the sides of various roads during the...

As time marches on, saving Earth continues to be my goal -- and The Jingles my means!
1 ...The knife and fork came in handy when I partook of some Oregon elk, courtesy of Mother Earth. 2 Here I am yesterday showing just...

All Earth's creatures revel in Life!
1 Could this be the mushroom world's Mona Lisa? 2 Lovely ballerinas on the forest floor! 3 The baby oak tree may someday be 15 meters...
Jingles Measurement Now More Efficient Than Ever
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Back on July 1, 2008, approximately five years before I wrote the first installment of this blog, in installment...
Rampant Tourism Must Be Brought Under Control
Dear Fellow Earthlings, When I was in junior high school, my favorite song was “Those Faraway Places (with the Strange Sounding Names)”....
"No Smoking!"
Dear Fellow Earthlings, "No Smoking." is now the rule rather than the exception in all countries -- but not for Earth as a whole. The...
Jingles-Type Training Systems Could be Created for ALL Languages!
Dear Fellow Earthlings, A few years ago I measured a certain "Mr. S" 's applied English pronunciation. It had dropped from 89.8...
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