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Where there are Jingles, there is hope!
Dear Fellow Earthlings, One of my clients is working very hard to develop her "er" gesture. This gesture is used very commonly in...
Two brothers Help Save Fulani by Providing It with an Alphabet
Dear Fellow Earthlings, In today's blog I provide information about the contributions brothers Abdoulaye and Ibrahima Barry have made to...
Steve Walker CAN save languages -- but only with the help of other people!
Dear Fellow Earthlings, This blog is the fifth and final installment describing what needs to be done to revitalize -- and, in some...
In language, as in love, if you keep it to yourself, it will dry up and disappear.
Dear Fellow Earthlings, In today's installment let's take a look at the final 2 of the 5 major points that must be considered as bases...
Although children don't need Jingles, they DO need native speaker adult mentors.
Dear Fellow Earthlings, As mentioned in yesterday's installment, there are five major steps in preserving languages. The first step...
Jingles training can revitalize revived -- and even moribund -- languages
Dear Fellow Earthlings, It is hard enough just to manage one's daily schedule. This is compounded when one has children, elderly...
Unchecked, AI will replace HI ("Human Intelligence").
Dear Fellow Earthlings, It annoys me that no one seems to be speaking up about the proliferation of the word "guys". No one seems to be...

The Wonder of the Solar Eclipse over the United States on August 21, 2017
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Today from my home in Oregon I experienced a total eclipse of the sun. For 2 minutes at around a quarter past ten...
The Japanese should postpone English and other foreign language training until their children reach
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Ultimately, it should be the people of any country to determine what course their nation will take in all its...
We humans must control our prodigal robots from the outset and forever!
Dear Fellow Earthlings, Two days ago, on an American CBS TV network television program called "CBSN On Assignment " we see how "Japan is...
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