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Unchecked, AI will replace HI ("Human Intelligence").

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

It annoys me that no one seems to be speaking up about the proliferation of the word "guys". No one seems to be able to say anything besides "guys"! Until recently, "guys" was used mostly in the third person to talk about MEN. For example:

"Some guys are painting our living room walls this afternoon."


"There were some weird guys hanging around the parking lot, so I called the cops. "

But nowadays "guys" is being used instead of "you". I find it distasteful and redundant -- and loaded with a lack of respect

for the fact that men and women are NOT the same.

Once in a while, why not say:

"So, Dawn and Ethan, what is your take on this?" instead of "What's you guys' take on this?"

"Good morning, everyone!" instead of "Good morning, guys!"

"Could you folks hold the noise down a bit, please?" instead of "Could you guys hold the noise down a bit, please?"

"Those people (a mixed group of men and women) are asking if they can reserve a table." instead of "Those guys are

asking if they can reserve a table."

"Why didn't any of you offer that elderly man a seat?" instead of "Why didn't any of you guys offer that elderly man a seat?"

"I'm going to tell you children a very amazing fact about ants." instead of "I'm going to tell you guys a very amazing fact about ants."

These are just a few samples of how we can stop the overuse of the term "guys". But what it all boils down to is the sell. You see, if it appears on the internet or on network television it becomes "official". Sort of like search engines and sites for advertising.

The human mind and a single person's efforts don't cut it. You have to get it into the mass media or onto popular web sites. Then, if you wish it to be so, "guys" could refer specifically to female humans if enough people begin to believe it is so.

By the same token, even a language spoken by only 17 people can become popular if enough of it is encapsulated and then disseminated properly.

Thus, the language we use is no longer in our hands, but in the machinations of computers and people who operate under their mystique.

In closing, I would urge that as we develop AI, we need to program it in such a way as to allow the direction human language goes to be dictated by human, flesh-and-blood -- not by robot, silicon-rare earth metals-electronic -- considerations. But this is only the starting point!

More will be said on the topic of "LANGUAGE MANAGEMENT" in the next four installments.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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