Update on Steve Walker's Earthsaving Efforts
Dear fellow Earthlings
This blog installment will feature a summary of my current Earthsaving activities.
To begin with I do have a Northern Spotted Owl adopted baby now. But red tape associated with the Langley, British Columbia NSO Breeding Centre doesn’t allow me to know exactly which owl it is. But I AM responsible for the health of a new Northern Spotted Owl -- and happily announce that I will soon send another contribution to those wonderful people in Langley to help support them in their efforts to provide the best creature comforts available for their owls.
On the subject of Reltonia, which is the central location of my Earthsaving activities, I am still working on the northeast fencing project. The costs are covered, up to another $7,500.00. Let’s hope that is enough to get the fence looking pretty much like a good, viable border...
My irrigation systems will be put in on June 24th. To bolster the effectiveness of those systems, I am going do some thinning of Reltonia's trees so that there will be less water needed, The trees need to be hydrated sufficiently to fight off insect infestations as well as other life forms that might attempt to destroy weakened trees. By thinning the numbers of trees, the root systems of the remaining trees will have less competition from one another -- and be able to utilize water, sunlight, and mineral resources to a greater extent, on a tree-by-tree basis.
You may be wondering what the status is of the animals on Reltonia. I know the bull frogs are still croaking in Front Pond -- and there are still some in New Pond as well -- although the large tarpaulins I have placed on much of the surface New Pond makes it hard for the bullfrogs to come up for air. The tarp placement seems to have reduced the bullfrog numbers somewhat -- and without adversely affecting the chorus frogs, newts, and salamanders that also inhabit new pond. I do need to secure the services of an amphibians expert so I can fully develop my native Oregon amphibian population, in terms of both diversity and numbers.
As far as birds go, I haven’t seen any quail or grouse yet. Let’s hope they show up soon. The robins continue to dominate everything but I am going employ various methods to reduce their numbers so that they do not chase other bird species away.
Concerning Reltonia's reptiles, there are very few: some small snakes and lizards -- but no turtles.
Mammals on Reltonia unclude coyotes, raccoons, possums. deer, bobcats, and half a dozen species of squirrels. There are large numbers of rates, mice, and gophers -- and a small number of bats.
I now realize that most languages are not going to be saved. Although I am going to continue to work with Seneca to see what I can do for it. I don’t harbor any illusions that that language will be here in 10 years. I think, very soon there will be very few languages....
Actually, with fewer languages, they will be easier to save. However, they will also be more contrived, or shall I say more logical and reasonable and more artificial, as "HI" human intelligence falls way behind AI in sophistication.
But "SI" (Steve Walker intelligence) is something that nobody can deal with. We shall see how it goes on that front. Cultures and religions are not faring well, because the environments that produced Earth's various human cultures are gone. In an environment that’s different from the one in which a given culture or language developed, that culture or language will either change so much that it is no longer recognizable as a descendant of its predecessor -- or it will disappear entirely.
Although protecting the original environment is the best thing to do, this is not attainable when the globalization of everything spawns trumped up diversities. Let’s call it totalization as opposed to globalization for it is affecting all of the diversity. EVEN AS WE TRY TO CELEBRATE DIVERSITY, WE ARE CONTRIBUTING TO LESS OF IT, AND ACTING AS VECTORS FOR THE SPREAD OF DIVERSITY TO THE EXTENT THAT WE WIND UP ONLY WITH HOMOGENEITY AND/OR PERVERSITY!
Reltonia will remain a bastion of my own ideas. For those who are interested, I say to you, let me help you set up your own Reltonias! On the other hand I am not going to try to force anybody to do anything kee doesn't want -- just as I am not going to try to fit any another person's "ideal Steve Walker" expectations.
Steve Walker
Earthsaver and Jingles Creator
© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.