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The Jingles Should carry YOU -- You Should NOT carry THEM!

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

You Jingles clients are constantly enlightening me, even as I do my utmost to do likewise for YOU!

A case in point is M. Greatclient (a name I have assigned to the client whose approach to mastering English

has prompted me to write this blog installment).

M. Greatclient's assignment was the Series I Jingle known as 148-2:

Day 58: Ma’am, she simply wishes Chris’s mom would occasionally apply some salve to that wound in a pleasurable manner.

Instead of merely using kerm present level of expertise to say Day 58, M. Greatclient spends too much time analyzing the pronunciation symbols designed to provide kerm and all other clients with reference points they can refer to as they practice this -- and indeed all the other 396 official Jingles.

The pronunciation symbols provide clients with something tangible they can refer to.

What the pronunciation symbols DO NOT DO is to serve as crutches a client can use to "read" kerm way through them!

When it is time to actually say a Jingle, the client should rely on the holistic power contained in the allophonome kee has been working hard to develop over the past several months -- or even years. Kee should NOT try to line up the 30~60 or so discrete points that constitute a Jingle.

Grabbing for the numerous discrete points shown by the pronunciation synbols can only lead to calamity when a client attempts to make the pronunciation symbols the source of kerm pronunciation expertise. Furthermore, even the tiniest failure to "hold in one's oral cavity" the means to say a gesture correctly can lead to a complete unravelling of the chain that comprises kerm allophonome. This will lead to "spillage" of kerm smaller gestures "onto the floor" (so to speak) -- and with no time to stoop and gather them up!

So, when it is time to "bring down your prey: (that is, to say effectively what it is you wish to say), do NOT analyze. Just trust your innate phonological skills, (part of the endowment provided by your genome).

Just as a cheetah -- using its calculation skills automatically -- arches and adjusts its tail in pursuit of a zigzagging, speed altering gazelle, so too must you the client adjust your movements (using the competency you have developed through Jingles training) as ride the wave (that part of your Jingles-based allophonome) as you seek to snag YOUR prize, to reach YOUR goal:

Clear communication.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.



© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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