Should I Just Save My Breath about Saving Earth?
Dear Fellow Earthlings,
In the past week I have become more aware than ever of how so many places on Earth are changing for the worse…
The areas near the Dead Sea, the Black Sea, the Southeast Asia Sea all continue to be areas of war and threats of it...
Some of these areas hit close to home for me. Having lived most of my first 18 years of life in the St. Louis, Missouri area, I have seen it go from being the "Gateway to the western United States" to becoming a polluted, dangerous area, with vast numbers of people addicted to cell phones and automobiles moving around as quickly as possible in efforts to avoid being robbed, raped, kidnapped, or scammed...
I just happened to turn on the Internet and see a story about how even Honolulu has become a slum similar to the small scale slum area I experienced while living in Nanakuli, Hawaii back in the early 1970s. It's so sad to hear that so many Hawaiians have actually moved to Nevada to find a better life! So what do we find in Nevada? We find heat, crowds, high prices -- and endless crowds.
While the natural environment that fostered our evolution continues to lose its capacity to support the natural evolution of life forms, the main topic on so many people's devices is AI and how great it’s going to be!
But what about HI!!! What about human intelligence? People are losing their senses! If you ask someone and a friend of theirs how we can deal with this, they answer that they have no answers!!! (If you fail to understand this sentence, Dear Readers, it is because the current rage, the epicene "they/them/theirs/themselves"" just does not work!!
Let's use kee/kerm/kerms/kermself instead:
If you ask someone and a friend of kerms how we can deal with this, they answer that they have no answers!!!
I often spout out that I’m trying to save Earth and save languages -- and to save both lifestyles and save life forms -- but perhaps all I can do is just save my breath.
Steve Walker
Earthsaver and Jingles Creator
© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.