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Another Satisfied Jingles Client Presents Kerm Feelings about The Jingles

Dear Fellow Earthlings,


   Among my many satisfied clients, Mr. S .K (not his real name) has agreed to say a few 

words about The Jingles.


To My Fellow Jinglers:


   My name is S. K. "The Jingles" has truly opened up new vistas for me. They have changed my ability to develop my speaking and listening comprehension skills -- and, as a result, have improved my quality of life. 


   Thanks to JINGLES training, native speakers of English now understand 90% or more of what I say -- and I, likewise, can now understand close to 100% of what they say!  When people make themselves understood, a conduit to greater understanding of what we are all about opens up!


   I still have to deal with various dialects, slang, tech talk, and so on. But since I now have a full command of English phonology, all of the challenges that this entail have become much less daunting.


   Recently, two of my native speaker colleagues took me to the Santa Cruz Mountains near San Francisco, where we marveled at the salamanders as we walked along. The three of us were able to engage in meaningful conversations as we exchanged ideas regarding the beautiful nature all around us!


   Truly, my stay in the United States has been made much easier by the fact that my phonology opens doors for me, rather than closing them.


  By the way, I am able to communicate with non-native speakers as well -- whether at work, shopping, or at administrative offices.


 My Jingles training makes it possible for me to not just survive but to thrive in the United States! 


Thank you,



Mr. K is just one of many people whose lives have clearly changed for the better because of their Jingles training!


Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.



© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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