Complexity Depends on Simplicity -- and Vice-versa

The great Seneca prophet Handsome Lake's level of phonological expertise in the Seneca Language would have been at least "91".
Dear Fellow Earthlings,
Yes? Or No?
0? Or 1?
All? Or Nothing?
As you practice your Jingles, please keep the above 3 notions in mind. Doing so will allow you to develop your target language speech motor skills more effectively.
Regarding "Yes? or No?":
An important point about The Jingles is the notion of building support systems. The entirety of your target language (in this case, I am referring to English.) development rests on your ability to produce "JNGLE A" with the proper degree of power, accuracy, and speed.
It takes a great amount of training to raise one's JINGLE A score to "90", the entry level for native speakers. For this reason, you are asked to begin working on JINGLE B, JINGLE C, JINGLE D, and so on long before your JINGLE A scores reach 90 or higher.
Please be patient -- and work diligently -- as you attempt to bring each of your Jingles to the 90-level, always knowing that your "primary source Jingle" (JINGLE A) score MUST be at least 90 if you are ever to achieve an overall score of 90 or higher for your target language.
Regarding "0? or 1?”:
Since "0" and "1" (which can also be described as "from 0 to 100") form the basis for computer logic, it follows that moving from "0" to "1" entails connecting the various task dynamics skills one has as kee moves from "0" to "1". An important note here is that, in the Jingles, somewhere between "0" and "1" is a client's English phonology level at the onset
of kerm training and that not "1", but "0.9" marks the crossover from that client's non-nativelike domain into a nativelike one.
The designation "perfection" can be assigned to any client whose regular mode production of kerm target language reaches 90 (or, the "0.9" just mentioned). I refer you to Installment 297 (August 20, 2016) and Installment 488 (February 28, 2019) for further information on my notion of what constitutes perfection...
Regarding "All? or Nothing?":
Here, the ability to use analog rather than digital logic is important. True complexity, in a form unbelievably difficult to analyze once it has been assumed, is the ultimately non-purposeful interaction of self-organizing dynamics, very few of which are totally digital. I refer you to Installment 369 (March 6. 2017) as well as installments 316 - 318 (October 11 - 13, 2016) for further information on my notion of what constitutes logic beyond deductive/inductive...
At the bases of systems, on/off switches are present, but as the systems develop, analog fortuitousness moves the systems further -- so it appears -- towards eventual breakdown/transition into new systems.
Steve Walker
Earthsaver and Jingles Creator
© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.