Choices must sometimes entail pain so that we can see things more clearly!

Dear Fellow Earthlings,
Dear Fellow Earthlings,
Earth has been our home for a long time. Due however to memory limitations -- and (until recently) our inability to preserve the past, I would venture to say that there is no person on our beautiful blue-green-white orb who can tell me what was happening on this date back in 1920 -- much less in 920 -- and even less so 3,500 years ago...
This much I can say:
3,500 years ago, people who lived 1,000 kilometers apart from one another would not have been speaking one another's languages. Even people who lived only 25 kilometers apart from one another would in most likelihood have had difficulty communicating with one another.
Yet, it was evident to people back then that one village could not last forever without an infusion of new "family", that brothers and sisters who married did not produce children who were healthy -- that it was necessary to somehow "mix" to some extent with neighboring tribes -- and to learn how to speak the languages of these neighbors.
In those times, what could the word "Earth" possibly have meant?
Since no humans would have been able to view the planet Earth from outer space, they could not possibly have known that it was round -- that it orbited the Sun -- and was, in turn, orbited by the Moon.
In other words, our ancestors -- be they any skin color, any eye shape, any physical type -- would have known more about what the Sun and the Moon and, even the stars, looked like as seen from afar than what Earth looked like.
But people knew that wherever they wandered -- be it on foot, on the backs of beasts of burden, or on devices that floated on the water, there was a place -- or (perhaps) there were even two or more places beyond the limits of their visions.
As people began to domesticate plants and animals, they came to feel that these "lesser creatures" would support human beings and make humans owners of land, owners of earth, owners of Earth!
Now, in the 21st Century, many people continue to think that their personal beliefs make them the best candidates for ownership even of the heavens and of the afterlife!
Over the past 4,000 years certain among us gained control of land, which then made them think that that land was theirs -- and that all living things on that land and in the waters adjacent to it, belonged to them. These "rulers" came to feel it was their destiny to take more and more -- all the while never learning that Earth is our Mother, our Home, our Responsibility.
For any human to think that Earth is a prize to be taken, that Earth belongs to kerm due to some sort of manifest destiny,
I say:
Grow up! Cooperate with others. Practice kindness. Stop thinking you are so special! You see, the only thing that is special about any living being is its potential to live in harmony with Earth, our home. Every effort made by all living creatures should be directed toward fulfilling that potential.
Steve Walker
Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

This tree is beautiful. -- but it blocks the view.

Now I can enjoy a more panoramic view— and I thank the tree for its sacrifice.
© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.