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Opal Lee’s Quest for Racial Justice: Earthsaving at Its Best!

Opal Lee seeks to make June 19th (Juneteenth) a U.S. national holiday.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

   Earthsavers come in many forms -- and represent many causes. On June 19, 2020 I learned about the very special day known as "Juneteenth" (an abbreviated form for "June 19, 1865"). Occupied with Reltonia's various problems -- and of Earth's various problems, I had, until the tragic George Floyd murder, never even heard of the term "Juneteenth"...

   Opal Lee, a black American, was 12 years old when white people burned down her family's house on June 19, 1939. Ever since that day, Opal Lee has conducted an unrelenting quest for justice -- not just for her family, but for ALL people.

   IN 2017 she walked from her home in Texas all the way to Washington, D.C. (roughly 3,000 kilometers) promoting a national Juneteenth holiday, She is never resentful -- but is resolute. June 19, 1865 was the day the United States sent its army into Texas to free all black slaves after the surrender of the Confederate States of America. As Opal says:

"The slaves needed everyone's help. But the task is not yet complete."

One of Ms. Lee's constant themes is that ALL Americans should unite and address the disparities that still exist in our society.

   Last month (on May 25, 2020) George Floyd, a black man living in Minnesota, was murdered by a policeman. The unbelievably gruesome death scene was captured on various hand-held video devices. It ignited rage in millions of people's souls, including my own. I grew up in a society which was constantly reminding me that the world is divided into black and white, Republican and Democrat, right and wrong, male and female, "we" and "them", and other dichotomies. Even as a young child, however, I felt that the world is not so simple as black and white, all or nothing, good and bad, headed for Hell and not headed for Hell.

   I stand firmly with Opal Lee in her push to have Juneteenth become an official American national holiday.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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