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Surfing and Trampolining on Blackberry Plasma

Don’t wipe out! — lest you be bitten by millions of tiny sharks!

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

All work and no play makes Jack — and also Steve — dull boys...To that end, I have found a way to add a little fun into clearing the invasive blackberries that are trying to overun the northeastern corner of “Reltonia” (my land in Oregon).

To wit, I have found that if you SURF downhill on huge waves of blackberries, and then “trampoline” atop the invaders, they are much easier to slash/crunch into dried shreds of plant fiber.

The northeast corner of Reltonia is being threatened by a large sea of blackberries (covering some 2 hectares). These blackberries have taken on the appearance of waves that come pounding down onto Reltonia in a sustained attack.

The roiling sea of blackberries is the result of someone ‘s creating a public landfill on the hillside located on Reltonia’s north northeastern border. That landfill was closed down many years ago... but ALL of the glass, bottles, tires, plastic, and other non-biodegradable substances inserted into Earth have killed all vegetation — except for those invasive Himalayan blackberries.

I have to keep the blackberries from flowing onto my property so that I can keep an eye on the stuff formerly hidden underneath them. That stuff is migrating into northeast Reltonia, polluting the relatively pristine soil and water there.

The truth of the matter is that I do enjoy good honest work on Reltonia. That’s no problem. But I must add that it’s even more fun when you can surf through those waves of blackberries and then do some trampolining on them to get them into a form that makes it easier to get rid of them!

Surf’s up! (Care to join me?)

Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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