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Please heed my words of hope and compassion!

" Including the Language we say it in, True Love -- and the Concept of the

Miracle of Life -- constitute Perfection! "

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

I have tried time and again to warn people about taking Earth's bounty for granted. We have to temper charity with caution. We cannot have our cake and eat it, too. Earth's capacity to sustain and support an unlimited number of human beings is NOT unlimited.

Just because we have a cold wave does not mean that global warming does not exist. Just as being too small and insecure is bad, so too is being too large and falsely secure.

Technology created by humans has the potential to run amuck. When it does, it could spell our doom.

Some things DO hold true: Earth will not last forever. The sun will not last forever. The moon will not last forever. True love never dies. Life is a miracle. Native speaker expertise in pronunciation is defined as "90" -- and not as "100" (which would constitute perfection).

In the face of all of this, what is it that we all should do? Here are my answers. Please heed them and Earth's plight will be mitigated a bit.

1. Do not waste time or money or resources.

2. Give of yourselves to where it hurts a bit -- but do not give to those who do not -- at least partially

-- return the favor by following the tenets put forth here.

3. Be aware that everything costs, but that (so long as we are not hurting other living things) we

should not refrain from paying for what we -- and Earth herself -- want and need!

4. Just as time, energy, resources, and life itself are limited, so too is Earth's capacity to support an

unlimited number of living things, be they human or otherwise. We must curb any excessive

growth of ALL things.

5. Believing that one's house is safe from disaster tomorrow when all is fine today is not the way to

reduce the likelihood of calamity. We need always to be preparing for unforeseen threats to our

comfort, health, happiness, and survival. Although each of us lives in a small capsule, ALL of us

must try and see the big picture of which each capsule is but a small pixel.

6. In whatever we do, we must seek self-improvement and must temper confidence with humility,

gratitude, and due consideration for the rights of others.

7. Unless we follow Isaac Asimov's and my [See installments 369 (March 5, 2017) and

316-318 (October 11-13, 2016)] directives to the letter, technology will most probably destroy humanity and --

possibly all life on Earth.

Since Earth will not last forever, love her, protect her, cherish her every moment, please. Since the sun will not last forever, we must (if we survive long enough) devise ways to move towards other stars. Since the moon will eventually fly off into space, we must realize that while time might perhaps wait for us, tide will not.* (*Here I am referring to the expression "Time and tide wait for no one." -- originally, "wait for no man", but here modified so as not to be gender-biased.)

This leaves us with three absolute truths:

True love never dies. Here, we enter the realm of Faith. Let your own respective faiths guide you!

Life is a miracle. Many people take this for granted. For them I do hope enlightenment comes!

Native speaker expertise in pronunciation is defined as "90" -- and not as "100. That's why I -- on a very personal level -- am committed to loving and preserving every human language and human dialect that still exists. Each language and/or dialect is a very important part of the culture and beliefs of the people who utilize it. Therefore, I will continue to exert all of my energy in efforts to see that all languages and dialects are preserved.

Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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