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From the Age of Aquarius to the Age of Nefarious?

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Back in 1969 a United States singing group called "The Fifth Dimension" had a huge

hit called "The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius". It seemed that everything was on the

up and up. The divisive Vietnam War was coming to an end, social equality seemed

to be the wave of the future, and "free love" was in vogue.

The international power structure was changing as petroleum producing nations organized,

giving many the hope that henceforth the oil consuming nations and the oil producing nations

would work together more equitably than before, leading to less international tension between

"producers" of energy and "consumers" of energy.

Since global warming was a concept known only to a very limited number of specialists at the

time, the international community seemed to be on the verge of a true Age of Aquarius, with harmony

and understanding becoming the watchwords.

It seemed a great new age was beginning. Love, brotherhood, unity, and integrity were

going to replace governments, corporations, and even relationships.

Clinging to the old or going for the new. Which would it be? Why did it have to be so "all-

or-nothing". Not a few of us turned to history for answers: The failed Egyptian and Mayan

civilizations notwithstanding, their prophesies described the coming -- in the late 20th and early

21st centuries -- of a New World Age.

Doomsday was not even considered, just so long as "planets were in the right alignments".

Advances in technology were seen as part of the picture of a planet finally at peace with itself --

as were globalization (although that term did not yet exist in the 1980s and 1990s) and a flourishing

of the arts.

Personal spiritual identity would remain intact, but personal identity itself would give way to "the group".

The merging of masculine and feminine would be the norm. Everything would be equitably doled out to

all people and the concept of "want" would no longer exist...

Selfish desire would give way to selflessness...

Access to the deeper values would grow. We would all learn to live together and work together for the

good of the "whole planet". Certainly this would be preferable to taking a "the selfish road to destruction".

Once the synergy was set into operation, it would be unstoppable!!!

Are all of these good things awaiting us just ahead? Perhaps in 2019? Or has the Age of Aquarius moved into

the Age of Nefarious?

May I take this moment to wish Mother Earth a Happy New Year -- within the framework of Earth's propensity

for staving off the nefarious and leading us to at least some semblance of an age of Aquarius!

Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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