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Snow on the top, rain in the valley: Ambiance affects all!

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

In only four more weeks those who care will be observing Earth Day. In keeping with the spirit of honoring and protecting our mother Earth, I ask all of you to do what you can to deny any and all financial support to those humans who benefit financially from the slaughter of rhinos and elephants. Also, go out and get yourselves some exercise by picking up trash, planting trees, and communing with like minded fellow Earthlings. By working together, regardless of our ethnic, religious, or philosophical differences, we can all foster friendship not only FOR Earth, but also AMONG ourselves. Friends make allowances for each others' quirks. In other words, they live and let live. Even as we embrace new technologies and life styles, we should strive to preserve our old ways, our old languages, our old memories, our diversity, and our ways of life -- with the only qualification being that none of the concepts or actions or objects thus preserved or enabled should cause any harm to us humans or to our fellow living entities on Earth. In closing, let me reiterate the notion that AI, be it manifested in robots that look exactly like us or in forms completely unrecognizable (and even invisible, due to their small size) to us, must remain, in the final analysis, under the control of enlightened humans who have access to the on-off fail safe switch proposed by me as a modification to the prime directive (described in my blog installments of October 11 ~ 13 in 2016). For those of you who have not read it, I also strongly suggest that you go to my blog of March 6, 2017. In that blog (Installment 369), I provide further information regarding the necessity for factory installation of an entity intent safeguard for each and every robot that is produced.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

Snow on the top, rain in the valley: Ambiance affects all!

Snow on the top, rain in the valley: Ambiance affects all!

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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