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2018 Off to a Great Start, Jingleswise!

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Happy 2018 to all of you!

Starting today my Jingles training schedule went back into full swing. And I must

say that the first client and I got off to a very good start. This particular client reached

90 several years ago, but continues to polish kerm English phonological skills. So, of

necessity, the training today -- though completely devoid of any TRAINING MODE --

was quite rigorous as I would settle for nothing less than an authentic England English

Ii sound rendition (as opposed to the American I sound) in such words as:

it in jingle install

The client would not heed my instructions to stop repeating a corrected Ii more than one

time. You see, any second or third repetition always found kerm reverting back to the American

sounding I instead of the England English sounding Ii sound.

When kee commented that kee could not tell the difference between the I and Ii, I

answered that as an adult kee would NEVER be able to tell the difference -- and that it

was MY role to tell the difference and then to guide the client in developing the ability

to produce the target Ii sound automatically by following my instructions in detail.

Once the client's attitude had been corrected, kee was aware that of all the English

phonemes, only kerm Ii remained a problem -- and that we would continue to work on

it till it was right. I added that now that the client was no longer second guessing me,

mastery of the England English Ii would definitely take place this year!

Reassured by my remark -- and promising to heed my very specific advice to never, ever repeat

a targeted sound (since it would invariably go off target from the first repetition!), the client

proceeded to the next worksheet.

What happened after that was truly remarkable. The client, having been trained sternly but

kindly, took a very positive approach as kee performed "Day 85" of the 366-jingle series known

as "A Jingle a Day Keeps the Accent Away", flawlessly, garnering a score of 91.3. This was

the first time any Jingles client had achieved such an outstanding regular mode score in five


Both the client and I are elated! If today's results by this particular client and by me are any

indication of what is to come, the year 2018 is going to be a great one for The JINGLES!!!

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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