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We humans must control our prodigal robots from the outset and forever!

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Two days ago, on an American CBS TV network television program called "CBSN On Assignment " we see how "Japan is facing a population collapse that threatens its very existence." and that "The country's survival now depends on robots." Talking about having it all wrong! Hey, seriously, how can we talk about saving the Japanese language without putting it into the larger context of "How can we save the Japanese people?" Men and women of Japan, you know what needs to be done. Stop being so naive. It is time to "get back to nature" and produce children. Life is not a cartoon (or "manga" as you call it). And our existence as individuals came about due to our parents' success in conceiving us. No amount of robot technology is going to replace the natural way for us to perpetuate ourselves. Talking about saving the Japanese language can only be meaningful if there are people who use that language. Today's installment is concerned with saving the human language (spoken by human beings) known as Japanese -- not with saving it so that it can be taught to AIEs (artificial intelligence entities). This being said, let me mention that in tomorrow's installment I will present a plan for reinvigorating and de-globalizing the Japanese language. You see, only by de-globalizing a language can we help it retain a preponderance of those task dynamics that set it apart from other languages. Those little "pokemon" (broken English for "pocket monsters") are about to become "ningentsubusu no yajuu " ("human crushing monsters"). Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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