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The Universe Being Limitless, Endless Melding is Possible.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Israel and the Jewish people have managed to bring back and revitalize the Hebrew language. Hebrew, surviving only as a liturgical language for some 2,000 years, once again lives, breathes, and flourishes. People whose languages are in danger of going extinct should look into this accomplishment and emulate it. In this new age of AI, it IS possible to do. Through the use of AI we can save and/or "bring back" ALL languages. In an attempt to deal with globalization, many Japanese people discount the importance of the Japanese language, choosing instead to ensure that their children master English. For example,

one of my client's, who sends kerm child to an "international school" in Tokyo (where only English

is used) tells me kee sees no need to "preserve" the Japanese language... While this is case, it shows what can happen when a person decides to head in a direction diametrically opposite to where kee could be heading. For those Japanese who wish to be more flexible in their thinking, I suggest that they take stock of their culture and of what it has meant over the centuries to be Japanese. Furthermore, I reassure

them that, for all its dangers, AI CAN be used to both preserve the Japanese language and to help Japanese people be completely fluent in English, if they wish to do so. Indeed, AI will soon make it possible for Japanese to let their handheld/implanted/downloaded devices do either their nativelike Japanese or natielike English talking for them... I defintely do not like the fact that AI is here to stay. But I am realistic: So long as we ensure that there are built-in safeguards (See Installment 369 and Installment 453.) to control AI, then let's hop on for the ride! But we should definitely fasten our harnesses and wear helmets and goggles! The Japanese language need not die! It can co-survive along with every other language spoken/written by humans. Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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