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Embracing AI (artificial intelligence) is saying "Goodbye!" to HI (human intelligence)!!!

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

My voice is going largely unheard. When I write of saving Earth, saving languages, saving precious memories, and otherwise trying to help humankind continue, few are getting my message. Indeed, even such world famous people as Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Berta Cáceres have as yet not gotten through to enough people -- or to enough people of influence! Ironically, there are many who actually attack these defenders of Earth -- even to the point of murdering them, as tragically, happened to Berta Cáceres in her own home only last year. But we Earthsavers must persevere. On July 15th of this year Elon Musk, spoke in front of 30 United States governors gathered in Rhode Island for the National Governors Association summer meeting. Among the many astute remarks Musk made was his warning of a danger I have already mentioned (See Installment 369, March 6, 2017): the destruction of human civilization and perhaps of humanity or ALL LIFE itself by AI (Artificial Intelligence). Musk stressed that AI is the "biggest risk that we face as a civilization". He is correct! Despite the rancor and distrust that exists among so many humans, the bottom line is that we ARE all human! Now that AI is developing so quickly, it is both blatantly and insidiously tearing at the very fabric of which we are all a part! It can destroy our humanity! Without that quality, what are we but blobs of carbon in a silicon world! How blatantly AI is replacing human workers with robots and/or other forms of automation? IBEs (Intelligence Bearing Entities) are now firmly entrenched in many parts of the world. In those places, greetings are no longer given, words no longer spoken, eye contact no longer made. In short, humans in ever increasing numbers are more attached to devices than to their fellow Earthlings. Equally, how insidiously AI is replacing true, natural relationships with animation. The scenes we see in films are no longer "special effects" but digital creations that can make viewers perceive (erroneously) that they are watching reality. Animation when carried to extremes plays the role that junk food has played in making many people eschew genuine food! Is it any wonder that there is now so much "fake news" out there! But -- getting back to real news -- check out the contents of Mr. Musk's statements for yourself! There is no need for me to reiterate them here. Just go online and type in the key words "Elon Musk's Remarks in Rhode Island on July 15, 2017". But in addition to considering all that Elon Musk said on that day, consider what I am saying today: Unless we take control of AI immediately, we are destined to have every aspect of our humanity either taken over or destroyed completely by AI. Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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