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"Total Freedom" : Not Possible For Anyone!

Dear Fellow Earthlings, Freedom is so important. All living creatures take advantage of freedom to grow, prosper, learn, reproduce, and otherwise truly live. But like so many other things (both concrete and conceptual), there can be so much

included under the rubric of freedom that it begins to impinge on the -- for lack of a better explanation -- the freedom (for both the freedhom holder and others) to enjoy its benefits.! For example, the freedom to express oneself sexually has to be curbed by various factors such as the consent of one's sexual partner to allow a person the freedom to perform whatever sex act or acts kee may want with or on kerm partner or partners. A further limitation on sexual freedom is that children and mentally and/or physically challenged people are not able to consent to sexual overtures of other people. Sexual freedom is therefore very limited. Similarly, religious freedom soon runs into the fact that great numbers of religions contain tenets which clearly limit or define the means through which the "True Way" to salvation/Heaven/enlightenment" may be attained. Consequently, the freedom of followers of the tenets of various religions to practice their faiths can lead to conflict

between adherents of those faiths and those (of other faiths) whose tenets are

being questioned or challenged. It is very difficult to maintain a balance within a society that has two or more religions whose followers feel that they are adhering to at least, tenets conducive to the "best" way

and -- in some cases, to the "only" way -- to provide souls with their full realization. The list goes on and on. The freedom to take the life of a convicted murderer or the perpetrator of some other heinous crime is a constant subject of debate. So too is the freedom to refer to someone's ethnic or racial make-up very limited in some societies -- while in others the freedom to ignore those same qualities is condemned. In short, when I write my blogs I attempt to exercise my freedom of expression -- but always keeping in mind that some people who read certain of my thoughts may not be happy that I am exercising that right. In the end, I myself impose limits on my freedom of expression in the hopes of promoting peace for myself, those dear to me, and to Earth herself. Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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