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Valentine Jingles are Great for Lovers -- But A Peace Jingle is Great for Earth!

Dear Fellow Earthlings, The Jingles were never designed to do anything but help people reach a level of speech motor skills expertise that allows them to compete on an equal footing with native speakers of the language whose phonology they are attempting to master, that language being referred to as the "target language". It is obvious, for example that "JINGLE B" may quite possibly be referring not to a person named "Curt", but rather to myself, "Steve": JINGLE B: CURT'S HEART HURTS AND NEEDS NURSING, FOR HE WORRIES WHEN PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD DO NOTHING FOR THE EARTH. Many such intimations as those made within the semantics of JINGLE B exist. Rather than detracting, however from the original intent of each Jingle -- to wit, addressing some aspect of English phonology that can help learners attain certain goals that they have worked out for themselves -- these little semantic kernels serve to entertain Jingles clients, and -- in not a few cases -- to INSPIRE them to do great things for themselves and for Earth. ---Which brings me, in the wake of my string of 76 consecutive blogs (without missing a day) written with feelings of gratitude and appreciation for the brave fighters who gave their utmost in the Falklands War, to inform you of a Jingle that, recently is proving to be of great utility in reinforcing what have been the almost "impregnable" "BIG FOUR" Jingles, known as JINGLE A, JINGLE B, JINGLE C, and JINGLE D. Space limitations prevent me from saying anything about JINGLES A - D except that they are SO IMPORTANT... But to the Jingler and non-Jingler, alike, be aware: The Jingle known as "Day 45" (and -- significantly -- listed as the "Valentine's Day" (February 14th) Jingles offering ) seems to be the up and coming Jingle in regards not only to its merit as a "competence builder", but also as a

"barometer" for both clients' overall expertise and and their rates of development. We shall see!!... And here is that Jingle. Note how it might somehow have links to what happened in April, May, and June of 1982 in the Falklands! Day 45: If the truce isn't rejected, fewer bold, youthful troops will get hurt -- and that's the truth! Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprise.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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