Falkland Islands War: Epilogue
Dear Fellow Earthlings, On the 15th of June 1982 the great pressure was off.The Falkland Islands had been liberated. The shocked, dazed townspeople now began to look at the unbelievably ugly mess that Stanley had become. At this point they were too shocked to assess objectively what they had undergone. Stores of food that had been brought in from Argentina (to feed the Argentine forces) were abundant. So no one would go hungry. But the only thing left besides that were the indomitable spirit of the Falkland Islands people and the eagerness of the victorious British to safeguard the right of the Islanders to choose their own destiny... The British, in the years since the end of the Falklands War, have made good on their promise to accept the will, as expressed in free elections, of the Falklands people: to remain their own political entity, under the protection of the British. The air base at Mt. Pleasant, located some 50 kilometers from Stanley is where the 1,000 or so British forces stationed in the Falklands reside. Ships and planes of the British Armed Forces assert to anyone who might question the British and the Falkland resolve to protect the autonomy of the islands, that yielding to political, military, or economic pressure is something neither the Islanders nor the British will ever do. As the Falkland Islands look ahead to their future, it is one of opportunity to become a fully independent member of the community of nations on our Mother Earth. As is the case with every other nation, the Falklands must deal with the challenging issues of pollution, diversification, globalization, and economic stability -- and dealing with how best to resolve the difficulties of fostering growth and change while preserving tradition.
Steve Walker
Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

These 4th graders back in 2013 are now in their EIGHTH year of school. I imagine they are
much taller now! What a bright future the Falkland Islands can look forward too!

That's me on Thatcher Drive, named after Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the "Iron Lady". With a will of iron, Mrs. Thatcher rescued the Falkland Islands, those windblown pearls of the South Atlantic Ocean!
© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.