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The British Break Out and Begin Their 100-Kilometer Long Move on Port Stanley

Dear Fellow Earthlings, On the 27th of May 1982 the Argentines were sending a large contingent of the soldiers that they had in Port Stanley east towards Mount Kent and in the Estancia direction to fortify their front line against expected British attacks from the vicinity of San Carlos. The British forces would need to push hard and fast from this point in place and time

to achieve victory as soon as possilbe. Without the Chinook helicopters their troops had

been counting on to transport them to the outskirts of Port Stanley or the tentage so

essential to providing them with a bit of protection from the cold, sleety weather, a

prolonged siege was not something they would be able to sustain. So Brigadier General Thompson, dealing simultaneously with his superiors (both military and political) and his subordinates, summoned the latter and ordered them to: 1. Employ 2 Para for a "raid" on Darwin-Goose Green, 2 Have 45 Commando and 3 Para to break out from the San Carlos beachhood

ON FOOT ("yomping", as the marines called it) and -- without helicopters or

tentage -- to yomp towards Port Stanley, a distance of approximately 100 kilometers. The long trek across frost covered peat and marshes would be hard enough if it were just

a march -- but each man was carrying over 50 kilograms in ammunition, weaponry, food, and

other things. How could men exhausted from moving through such inhospitable weatherr possibly win

a victory if they should happen to arrive at their destination? But the pressures to make a move were on -- and General Thompson responded to them. At around 9 a.m. the men of 45 Commando were ferried by landing craft to Port San Carlos.

From there they began the long march/trek to Port Stanley. At 1 p.m 3 Para, bearing their

enormous loads, set out for Teal Inlet. As for 2 Para, they were on their way to Goose Green. Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


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