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Antelope Sinks, Air-Sea-Land Offensive/Defensive Actions Continue

Dear Fellow Earthlings, On the 24th of May 1982 the people of Port Stanley were enthralled (if they were Falkland Islanders) and terrified (if they were Argentines) by amazing displays of aerial maneuvering and firepower as Harriers came in fast and low on some attacks -- and from way high above in others -- in hitting the nearby airfield. It appears they were successful in their attacks, which had been aimed at silencing anti-aircraft guns that had been located in the vicinity of the airfield. In the waters off San Carlos, HMS Antelope, as a result of the damage incurred in the previous day's attack by Argentine planes, sank. Its descent to the sea floor was, ironically, quiet after the fiery light show it had given the world on the previous evening. That had been in the early morning. The rest of the day nothing quite as shocking as what had happened to Antelope the day before occurred. But this does NOT mean that nothing happened! British Harriers brought down three enemy aircraft, Rapier SAM land-based crews knocked out three more, and BOFOR projectiles fired from HMS Fearless accounted for an additional two downed Argentine planes. As for British losses, three vessels anchored off San Carlos Water were damaged by bombs delivered from Argentine Air Force A-4C Skyhawks. One of the ships was only slightly damaged and remained operational. The other two required extensive repairs, one remaining out of action for close to a week, the other for close to three weeks. Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


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