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Humanity and Inhumanity in Contraposition

Dear Fellow Earthlings, On the 22nd of May 1982 the folks of Port Stanley continued with their efforts to lead as normal a life as possible. The attitude that the older Islanders assumed toward the young Argentine soldiers seemed to fill a void in the hearts of the homesick youth. It was not uncommon for the locals to scold the occupiers sharply for trying to run off with building materials or tools or other objects that they had taken from the gardens and outside structures of the locals. By the same token, the locals treated the occupiers as the youth they were, with the older and middle aged people treated a few of them to tea and biscuits or engaging them in conversation. And the younger Islanders would sometimes even ask the occupiers to break down their weapons and reassemble them in front of them as a form of entertainment for those Islanders who might happen to be even younger than the soldiers.... As for the troops on this day after both sides lost a significant amount of machines of war and a small but precious number of lives on each side, there was a lull of sorts. Now, with the Argentines already entrenched in their positions, it was the British who were attempting to settle in on Falklands soil. Both sides knew that more death and destruction were imminent. Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


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