Coping on Land -- and Hoping for a British Landing!
Dear Fellow Earthlings, On the 13th of May 1982 the people of Port Stanley did not realize it, but the commencement of the "land battle" phase of the Falklands War was but one day away...
This particular Thursday found the people of Port Stanley continuing to pursue -- as much as possible -- an "ordinary routine" of shopping, visiting friends, engaging in indoor horseplay, and even engaging in light conversation with the occupation forces.
All over the Falklands, the local people were coping -- in varying manners depending on the location.
On the Pebble Island farm (where 25 Islanders were dealing with around 200 Argentine "visitors"), the locals were confined to their homes.
At Goose Green (where 114 locals were being dealt with by around 1,000 members of the occupation forces), conditions were appalling for the residents. They were all confined to the Goose Green community center.
I had the opportunity to see the center for myself during my 2013 visit to the Falklands. It can comfortably seat about 35 people to see a movie or attend a meeting. For it to be crammed with 114 "prisoners" for close to a month must have been agonizing!
In all of the remaing tiny settlements throughout the archipelago, the local people were able to continue the self-sufficient lifestyles they had been following for generations -- except that now they were not allowed to leave their settlements.
As evening came to the Falklands, the Islanders learned that the luxury liner Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2) had set sail from Southampton with 3,000 British troops on board (the Fifth Infantry Brigade) -- and was heading their way.
Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

Here is the Goose Green community center as it looked when I saw it in 2013 -- a nice place!...
As you can see, it can probably accommodate up to about 35 people who might want to cuddle
up together to watch a movie!... But not very comfortable if 114 people have to stay confined in
it for a month!
© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.