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Pride Can Also Come AFTER the Fall!

Dear Fellow Earthlings, On the 26th of April 1982 the Falkland Islanders were obliged to endure the celebration of "Argentine Army Day". Truly, those "country folk", possessed of Anglo-Saxon mores, must have felt that, when it came right down to it, they were definitely not near the lands of their ancestors -- and indeed not even in the correct hemisphere! But I would venture to say that many of the Argentine fighting men who found themselves in surroundings that were obviously not very "Argentinian", were also feeling that they should perhaps reconsider whether they really belonged in such a windy, cold, barren place as what they now knew were "The Falkland Islands" -- and NOT a part of greater Argentina. How in creation could any nation be celebrating when they had just lost a sizeable chunk of territory (South Georgia) to another nation (Great Britain) within three weeks of having seized it from that nation! Argentina is a land rich in natural beauty, a place of temperate weather for the most part -- and featuring a tradition of various European cultures that had come together so harmoniously in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that Argentina had (in the year 1913) boasted the 10th highest per capita income in the world. It was truly the gem of South America. Military dictatorships, however, gained a foothold in Argentina and that Golden era ended... Argentina's fall into totalitarianism and mediocrity was precipitous. All the Argentinian people seemed to have left to boast about was their soccer World Cup championship in 1978. And all they could rally around was the recovery of their "lost treasure" the Falkland Islands! There is an old English adage: Pride Cometh Before the Fall. But, in the case of Argentina, a rewording seems to be in order: Pride can also come after the fall -- in this case the fall of Argentina's high ranking on the world stage! Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


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