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Saying it three times does not make it so!

Dear Fellow Earthlings, Today Donald Trump "made good on a campaign promise" as he nullified a number of rules that limit greenhouse gas emissions into Earth's atmosphere. Mr. Trump thinks that because he says something, then that "something" becomes fact. Mr. Trump is completely unschooled in his knowledge of the reasons behind global warming. But climate scientist Benjamin Santer, an atmospheric scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory located in Livermore, California is not! Dr. Santer must not allow his wonderful professional credentials and his concern for Earth's ecosystem to be trumped by someone who has suddenly sauntered onto the political stage!

The concept of “discernible human influence” announced in a 1995 Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was largely the result of Santer's findings. With a degree in Climatology from the University of East Anglia, England, Sander's credentials are impeccable. While at the Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology in Germany, Santer led the way in the development and application of climate fingerprinting methodology. The recipient of many awards for his insightful work into the causes for climate change, Dr. Santer is indeed an Earthsaver of the highest caliber! Long live Ben Santer, Earthsaver! Mr. Trump's nullification of rules for capping greenhouse gas emissions is based on nothing more than his opinions, void of anything even close to scientific findings. Due to what he has done with the stroke of a pen, coal mining will once again be sanctioned on federal lands, fewer limitations on methane emissions will be imposed on the oil industry, and greater amounts of carbon pollution from coal fired power plants will be permitted. Back to the 19th Century we go! But what is worse, such antiquated means of "generating" energy and jobs are robbing people of the opportunity to pursue less earth destroying means of procuring the means to power the world created by humanity. As I watched Santer being interviewed on the United States CBS Evening News tonight, I heard his very telling words:

"Scientists have proven again and again that arguments made by climate change deniers are wrong! Zombies can't be slain!"

Here we have a sincere professional saying that zombies can't be slain... To which I will counter: Zombies don't exist! They are in the minds of the fearful, the challenged! I ask my fellow earthlings (Dr. Santer included) to heed my words:

Fear not the zombies! They exist only in our fears! Fear not kee who would repeat something three times, ostensibly validating it through such mindless repetition!

I will say what I need to say only once:

Climate change is not a hoax! I ask all my readers to send money to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory! Santer's and his colleagues' research MUST go on even in the face of climate change funding's being slated for the U.S. federal government funding chopping block! I just love Dr. Santer's final quote: "If the program is to advance ignorance, then I am not with the program!" On April 22nd thousands of scientists are scheduled to march on Washington. Long live the Earthsavers! Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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