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My home is YOUR home -- but only if it is my home to share!

Dear Fellow Earthlings, What would you think if your best friend went to someone's home and took over that person's extra bedroom, used that person's kitchen as if it were kerm (your friend's) own, used the homeowners' TV whenever kee wished, and then complained when the homeowners asked kerm (your friend) to help clean the house and to pay the utilities? Probably you would see your friend as being inconsiderate and selfish, right? And what if that "friend" then said to you: "Come on over! Bring all your pets, too! " (Even though the original, the true homeowners -- who have finally just finished paying off their 30-year mortgage do not want any pets in their home.) What would you think? Now: Let's imagine that the "home" in question is the United States, that the original homeowners are the Seneca, the Apache, the Sioux, the Seminole, and all of the other Amerindians whose homeland was taken from them by invading Europeans and by all of the other humans who followed. Some of these "foreigners" -- such as the many Africans who were forced to make the long voyage to America as slaves.-- did not come to the United States by choicel Nonetheless NO newcomers to America were Americans. They became Americans only after arriving in the United States and convincing themselves that they were indeed Americans!! Seemingly lost in all of this is the fact that all newcomers to the United States were taking over territory that already belonged to the TRUE AMERICANS: the "Native Americans", otherwise known as "Amerindians" (formerly known as "American Indians"). Recently, as I drove through New Mexico hoping to meet some native Americans, I stopped at a place to buy provisions and gasoline. The place was full of Indians -- but they were speaking not Apache or Hopi or Seneca or Sioux. They were speaking Marathi, Gujerati, Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali and Hindi!! Ugly!!! No, not the people themselves but the fact that, having already filled the subcontinent of India with 1.4 billion people, they were now -- thanks to the European destruction of the homelands of the true Americans -- and aided by current lenient United States policies toward allowing foreign people to enter the United States so easily -- descending upon the ruins of the Hopi and Navajo cultures in huge masses. In their efforts to be "diversified" Americans are ignoring the fact that the United States was not created to be handed over to people who care not a whit about the true Americans. Many of the newcomers are entering the United States to push their own agendas and ideas. I want my fellow Americans to realize that it is not our prerogative to give away land, water, and sky that does not belong to us. Moreover, it is not the "manifest destiny" of people who have already turned their own homelands into overcrowded, polluted messes, who have already filled those lands to the brim with humans and their trappings -- to have the right to take precious America and use it merely as just another place to pack with their people, their customs, and their notions of what their newly acquired holdings will surrender to them... Let the Native Americans formulate the immigration policies of the United States! THEY KNOW the implications of what will befall all of us if we do not let them exercise this right! As for walls for U.S. borders, let's tear down the internal walls that seal off the descendants of our true American progenitors from the American dream!

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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