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Not to worry about fluency -- so long as you build your vocabulary and MASTER YOUR JINGLES!

Dear Fellow Earthlings:

Mr. T is an English teacher who is pretty good at slow, careful speed – but he always spends too much of his energy and gives too much of his attention to “crossing the finish line” at the end of every Jingle he attempts to say at normal speed. He runs out of energy when trying the Jingles at normal speed --especially the last 4 or 5 words. He needs to treat each Jingle (especially at normal speed) as a “full word’ (in the morphological sense).

Although my instructors and I train our clients on how to say “slow, careful” Jingles renditions and “normal speed” renditions, there are in reality many different speed possibilities. depending on our moods, our reasons for speaking, and our individual personalities and speed control leanings.

There is no need for my fellow staff members and I to teach “all” speeds to our clients. For, you see, the clients already know how to use speed control – they do it all the time when speaking their native languages. Therefore, after they internalize the speech motor skills employment techniques necessary for producing nativelike English phonological gestures, guided by their genomes (which contain the hardware to allow them to use speed control), they will automatically be able to employ speed

control appropriate to any and all situations they encounter.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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